Thursday, October 4, 2007

Gathering Blue

This book was about a girl-Kira- who had a twisted leg-so she was useless at her town after her mother died. She was taken by the guardians and had to work on a robe (which was going to be used during the fall ceremony- The Gathering). Kira had to create the future on the robe and fix the past. So she sew all day. Later, she had to learn the dyes, which she learned from an old women in town-Annabella. She accomplished everything.
The reason this book is called Gathering Blue, is because when learning the dyes, she didn't have the right flowers to make the color blue. So her friend- Matt- went to another townvillage and got the flowers for her. Matt also brought her father with him.
At the end of the book, she decided to make the town which her father lived in and hers would connect, and that is what she was hoping to happen on the robe.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Great work.